Monday 11 January 2016

how my fibro life began

My childhood was as normal as the next childs. I was happy. I had some friends. I went to school. I had a happy healthy home living with my mum two sisters and brother. In primary school however i was seriously bullied and it resulted in ke having depression and alopecia to the point i was bald and had to wear a wig. All in all though my firts 11 years where normal. Life changed so suddenly though. After a day at school i was out playing with friends. I was suddenly struck with sharp shooting pain in my knee so headed home to my mum. On checking it my mum descovered my knee cap and surrounding area was blue in colour and very swolen. A trip to A and E revealed a bruised knee cap. After 6 weeks my knee was still the same so i was taken to the doctors where i was diagnosed with house maids knee and told it will heal in 3 months or so. After 2 months or so the same happened to my other knee. This time the doctor sent me to orthopedic surgeons and for an xray where i was told i had knee displasia and hip displasia. Because i had only just turned 12 at this point i still had my growth plates and so wasnt allowed surgery to correct it and was told it wouldnt be until i was about 18. So i was sent home with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Over the next few years pain spread from my knees to my hips and slowly into my back. Doctors now getting concerned sent me back to the orthopedic surgeons who told me it wasnt hip and knee displasia and there was nothing they could do. Now 17 i had body pain all over and on an unreal amount of tablets and painkillers from paracetamol and ibuprofen to tramadol aswell as anti depressants iron tablets and vitamin D tablets. Because i snored i was tested for sleep apnia thinking lack of sleep could be causing the pain but as i was only borderline i was told it wasnt that. I also have sinus problems and so was given an adinoidectomy which helped my breathing but since been diagnosed with asthma and have constant chest infections. Because my mum had 5 years previously been diagnosed with fibronyalgia my doctor has now diagnosed me with that as my symptoms fit and its known to be hirreditory. Now 19 i live with severe body pain. Asthma. Chest infections. Viral infections. Depression. Anxiety. And CFS chronic fatigue syndrome. I have no job as i am too tired and too unwell all the time as due to severe allergies and CFS when i get an infection which is almost every other week i am too weak and tired to do anything. I have very few friends fortunatly while i was 17 met the most amazing boy ever and we have now been together for 2 years. If anyone can relate or wants to know more about my health problems please comment below and i will be happy to message back. Remember though no matter how crap life gets or how sore you fele keep going because there are some good days and memories in there.

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